The Burley Thorncombe 9403-C stove is the epitome of elegance and efficiency. Its sleek, stylish design boasts clean lines and a large portrait viewing window, making it an ideal centrepiece for any traditional or contemporary room. With a nominal heat output of 4kW, it is perfect for smaller to standard-sized rooms.
The Thorncombe is equipped with the latest in wood burner technology, including catalytic converters that enhance its efficiency. Air injection ensures that most of the ash is burned away, reducing the need for maintenance. Additionally, its unique heat exchanger helps prevent heat from being lost up the chimney while creating mesmerising fireball flame patterns that will leave you spellbound.
Crafted from strong plate steel and double-glazed ceramic glass, the Thorncombe is a durable and robust stove that provides excellent heat conduction. With an energy efficiency rating of 84.9% and an A+ energy rating, it is an eco-friendly choice that will help reduce your carbon footprint. The stove is DEFRA approved, which means it can be used legally in smoke control zones throughout the UK. It has also passed all the latest Eco-design emissions and particulates standards, ensuring that it meets the highest environmental standards.